We are on the market since February 2021!

REAL Front Running Module
We invented FRONT RUNNING SNIPING in February 2021. Since then - on every launch you find BUY TXs made BEFORE token was tradable on all public swaps! Currently many basic snipers call themselves "front runners". Don't be fooled! You will buy a few of them, spend a lot of money and sooner or later you will end up with Pancake Sniper!

Advanced Antibot Avoiding Systems
Advanced – constantly updated antibot avoiding systems. Antibot system works in full auto mode. The bot checks contract code for known antibot codes and adjust appropriate avoiding system before the snipe! As of December 2023 it can beat all known antibot systems (for a full list of antibot features ask in private)

Honeypot and scam tokens detection!
Our bots can detect fake liquidity and they can prevent you from most honeypots and scam tokens

NEW! Sandwich Trading Module
Sandwich Trading is also called front run trading or mev transactions bot. Depends on version you can make sandwich attacks on BSC and ETH networks. It was invented by our team in November 2021 and right - during bear market is even more popular then Sniping Module! Mostly because for sandwich attacks it doesn't matter if it's bear or bull market. Millions of transactions or made each day, which makes this"CAKE" really huge!

Mempool Scanner
Scans the mempool for liquidity transactions and snipes your desired token in a few miliseconds.

Immediate Download
INSTANT DOWNLOAD – Instant auto access to bots files and instructions just after payment!
Packages We Offer

$ 2399
- Support all BSC Network Launches
- Front Running Module
- Sandwich Trading Module
- Antibot Avoiding System
- Mempool Scanner
- Support all Presale Platforms
- Contract Swap (Contract Bot)

$ 2399
- Support all ETH Network Launches
- Front Running Module
- Sandwich Trading Module
- Antibot Avoiding System
- Mempool Scanner
- Support all Presale Platforms
- Contract Swap (Contract Bot)

$ 4798
$ 3390
- Both versions of best snipers on the market
- Pancake Sniper PLUS
- Uniswap Sniper PLUS
- Buy both with huge discount!

$ 1299
$ 699
- Support all BSC Network Launches
- Mempool Scanner
- Support all Presale Platforms

$ 1399
$ 699
- Support all ETH Network Launches
- Mempool Scanner
- Support all Presale Platforms
They Wrote About Us
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